Sunday, October 22, 2023

Jewell Hill, Canaan (655') 10/22/2023

One of the new hikes added to the new edition of the Maine Mountain Guide is Jewell Hill in Canaan, also known as The Pinnacle. On this rainy Sunday, I headed over to Lake George Regional Park, where this small summit is located. I hiked a loop of just under 4 miles utilizing the Pinnacle Trail and Townsend Family Trail. The trails were well marked and maintained, although parts of the Townsend Family Trail were quite wet today. There isn't all that much to see at the summit of Jewell Hill, besides a small clearing where there may have been a bit of a view in the past, but it's still a nice network of trails to hike. It was a good choice for a rainy day, as I had the trails all to myself and I wasn't missing out on any views.

Lake George
The trail to the top was marked with signs like this one
Junction of the Pinnacle Trail and the Townsend Family Trail
The clearing near the summit of Jewell Hill
Townsend Family Trail
A very wet section of trail

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